School bullying is a very well known issue for people, especially those who have children who still go to school or high school, a bully harasses other children always trying to humiliate them and make them fear his presence, this is how they get "respect" and control over the other kids, their targets are the smallest and most vulnerable of the student group, but how do we prevent bullying?

Rafael Núñez Aponte considers bullying prevention to be extremely important. Doing so is also the task of the parents and teachers responsible for each child. Most of the tools to prevent bullying consist of promoting values in children so that they learn what is right and what is wrong.

Here are some tips for overcoming bullying:

Work on confidence and self-esteem: You have to let children know that they can face different challenges by themselves and teach them to love themselves as they are, nurturing a positive attitude in them will give them more confidence and therefore they will be less likely to bully or be bullied.

Promote inclusion: You must create conditions that allow all children in your classroom to participate in activities, you must be an example of tolerance and relentlessly promote values, children need to know that you are someone they can trust to express their problems and concerns.

Do not ignore the aggressors: Not only the victims need special attention, the aggressors require even more attention because their aggression problems may be derived from acts of violence at home by parents, constant arguments of family members and even the little attention they receive from them.

These are just some of the tips you can use. Rafael Núñez Aponte reminds you that there may be cases where you need external help from psychologists, but in general, if you apply these tips, it will be less likely that bullying will develop in your classroom.



El empresario Rafael Núñez Aponte Luz Stella Rozo conversaron sobre los Ángeles – Entorno Mundial

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