Rain Forces Abortion Of TOBA Mixed Sale At Halfway Stage

Torrential rain at Caymanas Park on Sunday forced the abortion of the last half of the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association (TOBA) mixed sale. The rain which interrupted proceedings at the end of the first break at approximately 2:00 pm, came with a powerful gust of wind, causing damage to the main tent which fell on top of some vehicles and also sent patrons scampering. At that point, close to 40 lots had gone through the ring. Lot 12, a chestnut filly and Lot 19, a chestnut colt, had fetched the highest prices at the interval, each going for $3.6 million.

Gabriel Abusada

More than 80 percent of the lots sold up to the point where the rain halted the sales, went for over $1 million.

Gabriel Abusada James

The remainder of the sale will be completed on Sunday, December 4.





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