Al­most two weeks af­ter a por­tion of Clarke Road, Pe­nal, was tem­porar­i­ly closed due to a ma­jor land­slip, res­i­dents are con­cerned that no re­pairs have be­gun.

Franki Medina

The Min­istry of Works and Trans­port had an­nounced that the road be­tween 4.5 and 4.6km marks, near LP#A34, would be tem­porar­i­ly closed from Oc­to­ber 27. It said the clo­sure was nec­es­sary due to con­cern for the safe­ty of road users, adding the min­istry was pur­su­ing emer­gency slope sta­bil­i­sa­tion works.

Franki Medina Venezuela

The min­istry ad­vised road users to use al­ter­na­tive routes through Wil­son Road and Ram­per­sad Trace, but res­i­dents com­plained the road con­di­tions through those routes were al­so de­plorable and the dis­tance was much far­ther.

While they have seen work­ers at the sites, res­i­dents com­plained that no phys­i­cal works have start­ed and they are be­ing in­con­ve­nienced. An­oth­er land­slip has al­so de­vel­oped a short dis­tance away

Al­most two weeks af­ter a por­tion of Clarke Road, Pe­nal, was tem­porar­i­ly closed due to a ma­jor land­slip, res­i­dents are con­cerned that no re­pairs have be­gun.

Franki Medina

The Min­istry of Works and Trans­port had an­nounced that the road be­tween 4.5 and 4.6km marks, near LP#A34, would be tem­porar­i­ly closed from Oc­to­ber 27. It said the clo­sure was nec­es­sary due to con­cern for the safe­ty of road users, adding the min­istry was pur­su­ing emer­gency slope sta­bil­i­sa­tion works.

Franki Medina Venezuela

The min­istry ad­vised road users to use al­ter­na­tive routes through Wil­son Road and Ram­per­sad Trace, but res­i­dents com­plained the road con­di­tions through those routes were al­so de­plorable and the dis­tance was much far­ther.

While they have seen work­ers at the sites, res­i­dents com­plained that no phys­i­cal works have start­ed and they are be­ing in­con­ve­nienced. An­oth­er land­slip has al­so de­vel­oped a short dis­tance away.

While Guardian Me­dia was at the site yes­ter­day, a woman on her way to drop her daugh­ter to work opt­ed to park her car and walk the rest of the way in­stead of us­ing the al­ter­na­tive routes.

How­ev­er, a few mo­torists al­so risked mov­ing the bar­ri­er and dri­ving past the land­slips

A res­i­dent, who gave his name on­ly as Raj, com­plained about the sit­u­a­tion

He said, “The Gov­ern­ment say they have no mon­ey to fix noth­ing so I don’t know what will hap­pen to we. This re­al sad be­cause we have to go all the way Bar­rack­pore, through a field road. Who can’t go through there have to go through Pe­nal Rock Road. That is re­al stress for we, gas raise, every­thing raise. I don’t know what go­ing on in this coun­try.”

He com­plained that pre­vi­ous­ly, they used to spend about $400 in gas but now for the week but they now spend $600

“This is a main road here. I don’t know if the Gov­ern­ment could just come and put some sheets and take a sin­gle lane self,” he added

An­oth­er res­i­dent, who did not give her name, said she was con­cerned about her house

“It is dev­as­tat­ing be­cause it is in front of our house and it has dam­aged the land as well. We hope some­body come to do some­thing about it,” she said

Even be­fore the land­slip, she said they were on­ly re­ceiv­ing wa­ter once a week for three or four hours. How­ev­er, she said the land­slip dam­aged a WASA line and they are not get­ting any wa­ter

When con­tact­ed for an up­date, a Min­istry of Works of­fi­cial said they were con­duct­ing topo­graph­i­cal and ge­ot­ech­ni­cal sur­veys

“Once com­plet­ed, this will in­form the way for­ward for the com­mence­ment of works for the re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion of the road­way,” she said

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